Opening Hours : Saturday - Thursday 08 AM to 05 PM

Our Service

Our company is a professional and licensed customs brokerage and shipping agency with extensive experience in clearing shipments. We prioritize compliance with the regulations and requirements of government bodies in each country, based on the type, mode, and shipping terms of the shipment. Our services connect the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and the US regions, and we handle each shipment in accordance with the specific terms and requirements of each sector for import, export, and cross trade.

Our customs brokerage services include handling border entries, permits, and pre-clearance documentation to ensure a hassle-free clearance for our clients. The team’s expertise and efficient operations allow us to handle the complex management of import, export, cross trade, and their norms with ease.

In Iraq, we offer customs clearance services for import and export from all ports – air and sea – and cross trade via Turkey and other countries in the Middle East, such as Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Our mission is to provide quick and easy customs clearance for all import, export, and cross trade through any port in Iraq. Additionally, we offer delivery of goods to the warehouses and stores of our clients, and assist in winning contractual tenders with our cost-effective and detail-oriented handling of clearance.
We can offer you following services:

  • Worldwide clearance services for import and export
  • Import of levy exemption and duty paid shipments in Iraq
  • Exportation and transfer of temporary shipments in Iraq
  • Cross trade
  • Brokerage licensing

Bulk and Carrier – As a leading bulk carrier operator in Iraq, our company boasts a comprehensive fleet of bulk carriers, including Handymax, Supramax, Panamax, and Kamsarmax vessels. Our vessels have an average fleet age of 10 years, with individual vessels ranging from 0 to 15 years in age.

The vessels were specifically selected to meet the demands of Iraq-centric trade, but they have the versatility to traverse the world and transport a wide range of cargo, including iron ore, coal, coke, grain, fertilizer, steel products, plywood, bauxite, and more. With a focus on safety, efficiency, and reliability, our bulk carrier services provide a cost-effective and dependable solution for your transportation needs.

Shipping services offered:

  • Checking perform D/A agent for compliance with applicable tariffs.
  • Receipt of owner’s funds and payment to head agents.
  • Reporting the vessel/cargo status as required.
  • Checking cargo documents/SOF/time sheets for correctness, notifying owner if not and issuing letters of protest.

Signing bill of lading:

  • Our company can provide Launch Services to vessels offshore and fresh water supply by barge.
  • Crew changes, delivery of ship spares and will be affected on time.
  • Co-ordination of supplies delivery, bunkering, fresh water supply, boarding and/or disembarking of surveyors and technicians.