Opening Hours : Saturday - Thursday 08 AM to 05 PM

Al-Anbar Power Station

We are excited to continue providing top-notch logistics services for the Anbar Project.

Our team has achieved significant milestones by successfully delivering a wide range of shipments, including containers and essential equipment, to the Anbar Power Station project. 

Every shipment we handle is a step forward in ensuring the success of this major project. We remain committed to delivering the highest levels of quality and efficiency in every transport operation.

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OC conversion upper part Rumaila power plant 95 tons

OC conversion upper part Rumaila power p...

BHDC Rig 51

BHDC Rig 51

GT upper part Rumaila Power Plant 137 tons

GT upper part Rumaila Power Plant 137 to...

Three Phase Separators Shat Al Basra Power Plant 146 tons

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BHDC Rig 37

BHDC Rig 37